▪ Drop-in Class: send us a message or just come to Nadi! You can make payment at the studio. 1회 수업 1 Class: ₩30,000 //

To purchase a Package or if you have any questions, please contact contact us 〰️ 회원권 구매, 어플 사용 문의는 인스타그램을 통해 편하게 연락주세요 :)

  • CLASSES 수업

    • Beginner Yoga 초보자 요가

      1 hour

      With teacher Hyejun
      10AM: Mon/ 월
      1 Hour class

      ***SUB CLASSES 8PM (Beginner Yoga): 2/25, 2/27, 3/4, 3/6

    • Ashtanga Yoga

      1 hour 30 minutes

      With teacher Camila 카밀라
      8PM – 9:30M: Tues, Thurs / 화, 목

      ***2/13 FULLMOON YOGA instead of Ashtanga
      ***SUB TEACHER (Beginner Yoga): 2/25, 2/27, 3/4, 3/6

    • Deep Flow 딥 플로우

      1 hour 30 minutes

      With teacher Camila 카밀라
      10AM: Tues, Thurs / 화, 목
      11AM: Sat / 토 : 3/8

      ***2/13 FULLMOON YOGA instead of Deep Flow
      ***SUB TEACHER (Hatha Yoga with Jinyoung): 2/25, 2/27, 3/4, 3/6

    • Basic Hatha 하타 베이직

      1 hour 10 minutes

      With teacher Hyojung
      8PM: Mon/ 월
      10AM: Fri / 금

    • Hatha Yoga 하타 요가

      1 hour 30 minutes

      With teacher Jinyoung 진영
      6:30AM: Tues, Thurs / 화, 목
      10AM: Wed / 수
      8PM: Wed ,Fri / 수, 금
      11AM: Sat / 토 : 3/1, 3/15, 3/29

      ***SUB CLASS 10AM (Hatha Yoga): 2/25, 2/27, 3/4, 3/6


    • Pranayama Workshop

      2 hours

      Pranayama Workshop (1 Day Class)
      2pm ~ 4pm: Saturday 3/29, with teacher Camila
      Learn different breathing techniques, theory and practice
      Ideal for beginners!

      General Booking
      ▪ ₩40,000

      Nadi Members
      ▪ 1 Membership Credit OR ₩30,000

    • 핸드스탠드 워크숍 Handstand Workshop

      2 hours

      ▪ 3월 22일 오후 2시 ~ 4시.
      ▪ ₩40,000 (General Booking)
      ▪ 1 Credit or ₩30,000 (Nadi Members)
      ▪ With teacher Jinyoung.


    • 하타 어드밴스 Hatha Advanced

      1 hour 40 minutes

      With teacher Jinyoung 진영
      1:30PM - 3:10PM (100분)
      일정: 3월 6일, 13일, 20일 27일